Gold ₹2000 ₹1700/- 6 Month
  • Access 50 Mobile numbers
  • Send Unlimited messages
  • Validity 6 month
Diamond ₹4000 ₹3000/- Year
  • Access 100 Mobile numbers
  • Send Unlimited messages
  • Validity 12 month
Platinum ₹5000 ₹4000/- 6 Month
  • Access 100 Mobile numbers
  • Send Unlimited messages
  • With Assisted service
  • Push to top facility
  • Send Unlimited messages
  • Validity 6 month
* All Prices Are Inclusive Of GST

ENHANCED PRIVACY SETTINGS. You can control your Phone Number , Email Id and Social Pages Id

About Us

'We can change the world'
We strongly believe that equality is the medicine for the most dangerous diseases, caste and religion. If you like to be a part of changing the world towards equality, please join our Inaiyar Matrimony.